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Jun 22, 2021 | 07:21 am 3523 0

Ideal set for hunting

Ideal set for hunting

If you are reading this article, then you fully share our passion for hunting. After all, hunting is much more than just an activity or a hobby. This is a combination of wildlife, real art, and a skillset that requires specific knowledge and talents. Believe me. A modern raid is not at all what ordinary people imagine. You can't just grab a gun and shoot deer or ducks.

It's not that simple at all. First of all, you must be prepared because this is not a matter of killing or killing animals. It's about surviving in a wild environment and tracking down prey. It is hard to believe in it, but even in the conditions of the modern world with all its scientific and technical achievements, you can find yourself in a difficult and unpredictable situation. And all your knowledge and all preparation will definitely come in handy for you.

We will talk about this today. And we will give a couple of tips on preparing for the hunt and putting together an ideal set for hunting.


In people's minds, far from hunting, the image of a hunter is often formed in the following form: a brutal man in camouflage clothing with a shotgun or rifle. But, the reality is far from this image. The main weapon of a hunter is knowledge.

And we're not just talking about practical survival skills and weapon handling. This is essential. But, there is one more area where you should be a real specialist, going into the forest or the desert. We are talking about the legal side of the issue. Both federal and local laws regulate hunting. And you need to be perfectly familiar with the law if you don't want to get into trouble. Everything is important here: when hunting is allowed to the rules for using night vision devices and thermal scopes. If you have difficulty finding the information you need, you can always contact your state's department to get clarification from specialists. And then you can protect yourself from possible fines and claims.


We approach the topic from afar. But, we cannot fail to mention the car. After all, the best hunting spots are far beyond the walking routes and reach. Therefore, you need a truly reliable vehicle that can cope with the challenges of the area you are going to hunt. What will it be? Jeep, Truck, ATV or side by side, or any other car - it's up to you. But, in any case, you must adequately assess the terrain and the car's capabilities, realizing that a city sedan will not be the right choice for a trip into the forests of Montana where 4 wheel drive might be needed.


The modern market offers an incredible amount of a variety of clothing that will make you feel comfortable even in the most difficult conditions. Of course, it all depends on your preferences and the amount of money you are willing to spend on your favorite pastime. But, in any case, you need to pay special attention to the boots. Correct, comfortable, and waterproof shoes are so important that we cannot even explain it. A full understanding of their meaning will come to you only when you find yourself in the middle of nowhere in heavy and uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, take our word for it and try to avoid such an outcome.

You will also need a jacket. Better yet, a few: camouflage and orange. With camouflage, everything is clear - wild animals also have eyes, and it is not in your interests to be a bright spot against the backdrop of green forests. Ah, an orange jacket or vest is a banal safety issue. It, of course, will not help to blend in with the environment, but if you are hunting with friends, it is better that you can easily notice each other to exclude friendly fire. Dick Cheney knows what we are talking about.

In general, the rules for choosing clothes are straightforward - convenience and reliability. And when you find the ideal things for yourself, you will not want to part with him after many years.


Here, it is pointless to give advice. You know better what you need. And you better understand what you need. In fact, this is a huge topic that we will touch on in the future.

We can give the only advice: keep your weapons clean and safe—both at home and on the hunt. And don't break the law, of course.


The main advice here is the advice to be ready. You perfectly understand that optics for weapons are selected depending on who you hunt when you do it and what kind of weapon you use. This topic is also intense. It can be discussed in many contexts. Which scope reticle should you choose? What is the optimal magnification? Do you need video recording on a rifle scope?

At the same time, you should remember that real hunting takes on completely different colors if you go at night. But, for this, you need the help of modern technologies. For this, the market offers you night vision devices and thermal imaging devices. But, in this case, everything is complicated since each of these technologies has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Night vision optics accumulates and amplifies light signals. But, without light, it becomes useless. That is, if the observation area is not illuminated, at least by the moon, then the device will be useless, just like during a rainstorm or a blizzard.

On the other hand, thermal imagers register the thermal signatures of objects and surroundings and visualize them in a contrasting color spectrum. Thus, the quality of the picture and the device's performance does not depend on the weather and lighting. But, a completely different principle of operation gives you a completely different image.

And what to choose, you ask. You need both devices if you want to assemble the ultimate hunting set. With, say, night vision monocular and thermal rifle scope, the night will no longer hide its secrets from you. And you can say with complete confidence that you owe the night.

Extra hunting gear.

And don't forget about additional equipment. There is a controversial rule about this. If you can carry the equipment and if it does not hinder your movements. If everything is in order, take whatever you need, it will not be superfluous on the hike!

A set of tools, wind power direction checker, insulated seating pad, bear mace spray, even a book or magazine will not be superfluous because the hunt does not always go on schedule. Sitting in a blind is sometimes boring. Encountering wildlife doesn't have to be uncomfortable, so approach the issue thoughtfully and don't overwhelm yourself.

Everyone has their own secrets, especially experienced hunters. Thousands of books have been written about what to take with you on the hunt. But, in any case, we hope that our article will allow you to look at some things from a different angle.

You can find more information here:
Using Drones for Hunting
The history of hunting P1
In our store

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