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Hunting in Zimbabwe. Features of night hunting in Africa. The history of hunting in Zimbabwe and existing legal regulations. Rules for entering the country and choosing the best place to look for animals. The choice of weapons, ammunition, and night vision devices. Legal export of…

May 09, 2023 | 02:41 pm

The role of night vision in unmanned systems of modern cars. A brief history of the implementation of NV technology in cars. Used types of NV systems for vehicles of different brands. Tasks that night vision on cars helps to…

May 09, 2023 | 02:24 pm

Night vision in watching the underwater world. Popular options for operating optics when immersed in the water element. Key factors affecting the ability of NVDs to work effectively in water. Types of devices for underwater…

May 09, 2023 | 02:04 pm

Night vision devices on modern drones. Popular types of night vision devices are installed on drones. Options for active night optics on modern UAVs. Features of the functioning of night vision devices on drones, recommendations from…

May 09, 2023 | 11:09 am

Unusual types of hunting. Non-standard types of hunting are used in different countries of the world. A brief description, key features of the event, history, and positive and negative sides. The use of unusual hunting methods in our time and the recommendations of…

May 09, 2023 | 10:57 am