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Individuals make history. Colt never served in the army, but the governor of Connecticut awarded him the title of 'provisional' colonel for his electoral support. Colt was expelled from college for allegedly starting a fire during chemical experiments. While working as a deckhand on a merchant brig, he saw the ship's rudder being turned and the anchor chain being recoiled and modeled the drum of…

Aug 17, 2022 | 08:41 am

The present century is a complex one. On the one hand, technology is rapidly developing, production is expanding, and agriculture is being modified. On the other hand, humanity does not consider preserving primitive relics for posterity. Territories not reached by industrialization are narrowed up to the impossible, and small and big rivers and lakes are polluted because of violations of…

Aug 10, 2022 | 08:35 am

Analyzing the work of Smith & Wesson, we see that during the century and a half of its history,y it rarely knew any crisis. It is an example of a successful business based on weapons production and a competent marketing…

Aug 03, 2022 | 06:49 am

We have always believed that the question of what your favorite season is wrong and incorrect. The time of year is not your favorite football team or beer. Each period has its advantages and charms, which, with their uniqueness, can fall in love with even the most cynical and unromantic skeptic. Even the stony heart of a professional hunter can melt at the sight of spring meadows full of bright…

Aug 15, 2022 | 08:06 am

John Wesley Hardin is considered the bloodthirsty among the many famous gunslingers of America. He was born in 1853 in the family of a preacher. From an early age, he began to show his cruelty, and at 14, he committed the first murder. This John was not enough; he killed several more people in the next three years. He did this in cold blood with his pistols, which he constantly carried in…

Aug 29, 2022 | 08:15 am