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True fishing connoisseurs will always take advantage of the opportunity to do what they love. Even if it is impossible to go fishing during the day, you can go to the reservoir at night. This fishing option is just as exciting. At the same time, it requires all participants to comply with specific rules and carefully select the necessary equipment. The checklist should include many mandatory and auxiliary items valuable in the dark. In our short guide, you will learn what it is recommended to take with you for night fishing.
To correctly create a checklist, you need to understand the essence of night fishing and determine its key features. This will help you choose the optimal equipment and exclude many unnecessary items from the list. First, you must know that night fishing does not start immediately after sunset. The fish show minimal activity now, and there will be very little chance of catching anything worthwhile. However, wait 2-3 hours, and the situation will improve. The second feature is that the fish can be at different levels of the water column at night. This must be taken into account when choosing gear and some auxiliary devices. Another important nuance is the need to select well-lit reservoir areas with natural light. There, many small aquatic inhabitants gather, which, in turn, attract the attention of larger predators. When fishing at night, you should never forget that fish adapt to the lunar cycle. Its activity peaks around the full moon and then gradually decreases as the light produced by our only satellite changes.
Having studied all the features of night fishing, you need to decide how to carry it out. Depending on this, creating an individual checklist for each case will be possible. The most popular way is to fish at night from the shore. There are several fishing methods in the checklist, each of which requires the presence of specific gear and auxiliary equipment elements. An alternative option is night fishing from a boat. This method is less safe but gives a greater chance of catching a perfect trophy. To carry out such fishing, you will need several additional devices that will help you cope with various difficulties and make it possible to achieve the desired result.
Night vision devices should be the first item on a night fishing enthusiast's checklist. It is possible to imagine fishing in lack of light with them. They will also help perform many related tasks. There are many types of night optics, each of which can become indispensable when fishing. Among all the variety, night vision goggles deserve special attention. These devices are simple and easy to use, essential when performing various tasks in the dark. Fishermen call their main advantage the ability to fix them on the head. In this case, the user has free hands to change gear, cast a fishing rod, pull fish out of the water, and much more. If you use all the capabilities of such glasses correctly, they will become helpful when transporting equipment, moving from one fishing point to another, and observing the surrounding area.
In most cases, fishermen are recommended to choose the most compact models with increased sensitivity and long range. It also doesn't hurt to have a good viewing angle. All listed characteristics are essential when choosing night vision goggles for fishing. The cost of the models should always be added, which often varies over an extensive range. On the one hand, this forces buyers to discard many unsuitable options. On the other hand, it allows them to find the optimal device based on their financial capabilities.
If a fisherman only needs to periodically obtain ideal visibility in the dark, adding monoculars and night vision binoculars to the checklist is the best option for such cases. These devices will be an excellent alternative to glasses and will slightly expand the capabilities of users. Most often, they have a full zoom, making it possible to view distant objects, including such small ones as a float. The changes will also affect some other vital parameters during night fishing. The only drawback of monoculars and binoculars is the need to hold them in your hand constantly. This will make it a little more difficult to perform various activities in the dark, but this problem will not be as significant if you observe your gear. As with glasses, fishermen who prefer monoculars and binoculars will have complete freedom of choice. On sale, you can find models with suitable characteristics and functions for some instances. Finding devices in each price category will also be acceptable. Monoculars and binoculars used for night fishing can be a good assistant in performing dozens of tasks. For example, with their help, you can periodically observe the surrounding area and the surface of the water, look for other fishermen and objects in the dark, and determine a suitable place to cast a fishing rod.
In some cases, night fishing enthusiasts may find alternative types of night vision devices useful. Initially, they are intended for other purposes, but they can easily be adapted to the needs of fishermen. For example, detaching the night vision scope from the weapon can replace monoculars and binoculars. Night vision cameras can also be a good assistant, with the help of which you can film the entire process and obtain high-quality video materials. The latter will become the basis for creating educational videos or adding to someone’s collection of videos on night fishing. In all cases, only modern models of night optics should be included in the checklist. They are adapted for outdoor use, protected from harmful external influences, and equipped with batteries (removable, non-removable, external) for long-term battery life.
An essential item in the night fishing checklist is always gear. Among them, the most popular option is spinning or devices for bottom fishing. Both options involve the use of tactile sensations and require virtually no visibility. An alternative is a regular float fishing rod, which will be effective in the dark. If a fisherman uses night vision devices, any gear is permissible, even those that have to be controlled with the help of vision.
It is best to use live bait as bait for night fishing. This option is preferable because, in dark water, fish do not rely on their vision but on the ability to detect the smell of food or the vibrations it creates in the water. In this regard, live bait is ideal for catching all predators. Despite this, many night fishermen still prefer artificial baits. In this case, you must add only dark-colored products to the checklist. Initially, this may seem like a wrong decision since it is already quite dark in the reservoir at night. However, if you look at such baits from the bottom up, they will block more light and form a silhouette of potential prey visible to fish. This will increase the fisherman’s chances and make it possible to increase fishing activity.
Because active aquatic inhabitants feel even small vibrations well at night, it is advisable to use vibrating baits to catch them. They will create a semblance of live bait and force the predator to go hunting. It is also recommended to add various flavors to the checklist. They will give the artificial bait a particular smell the predator will pick up. In cases where night fishing primarily aims to catch non-predatory species, it is necessary to use effective standard baits during the day. Also, remember unique flavors, which, even in complete darkness, will help the fish quickly find food and get hooked.
The checklist of night and day fishing fans should include clothing appropriate for the current time of year. Its main task will be to protect the fisherman from external influences and provide him with the highest possible comfort. For the warm season, choosing clothes is quite simple. The list of required elements should include a minimum of wardrobe items. Making them from natural materials such as cotton and linen is best. Both of them have good breathability, so they will reduce the intensity of sweating. This is especially important on hot days when the temperature does not drop below 30 degrees Celsius, even at night. Another advantage of using natural materials is their ability to dry quickly. Therefore, even if you fall into the water in warm weather, your clothes will become dry within a few ten minutes.
If night fishing is carried out in the cold season, the checklist should include many items of clothing that can provide reliable protection from the effects of low temperatures. First, the choice should favor insulated models that protect the fisherman from wind, moisture, and precipitation. At the same time, the chosen clothing should be as light and comfortable as possible. Otherwise, it will restrict movement and complicate the process of catching fish. On the coldest nights, fishermen must wear thermal underwear. In addition to such classic elements of winter clothing as insulated pants and a jacket, one should remember a hat, mittens, and other items that protect exposed body areas from the cold. Ideally, all of the above should be made of hypoallergenic materials that, when in contact with the skin, will not cause various problems (for example, itching or redness). It is also important to remember that mittens and hats can make it difficult to hold a fishing rod in your hands. Preliminary testing of selected clothing items will help to avoid this problem.
Spring and autumn are the most difficult times of the year to choose the right clothes. The weather is often changeable during this period, so it is almost impossible to predict it accurately. In this regard, you need to carefully select clothes that will be added to the checklist of a night fishing enthusiast. It should be something between winter and summer options. Demi-season clothing is considered optimal, as it retains heat well but at the same time has good breathability. If the places where you plan to fish have sharp changes between day and night air temperatures, you can use two sets of clothing for each case. Regardless of which option is preferable, we recommend paying attention to the possibility of performing actions typical for night fishing in the chosen clothing (for example, swinging movements when casting a fishing rod, sudden changes in body position, etc.). If any discomfort is felt while performing such tasks, you should abandon the option under consideration and replace it with another.
A night fisherman's checklist must include special shoes. It is selected individually for each specific case, so it is essential to avoid making a mistake. Otherwise, there will be discomfort that will ruin your fishing. First of all, for a fisherman, as well as for a simple user, shoe size is essential. It should match the length of the foot or be slightly larger. The second option is only permissible when fishing is carried out in winter, and more giant insulated socks are put on your feet. Next, it is essential to pay attention to the material. Here, you can consider options that provide good breathability and protect your feet from moisture. If a material is not initially intended for wet places, its surface must be treated with a specific moisture-repellent composition. It is equally important to pay attention to the sole. The best option for any time of year would be models with a pronounced tread pattern. It will provide a better grip on any surface and reduce the likelihood of falls. For the cold season, you must also provide high-quality natural insulation in your shoes.
It will only be possible to do night fishing with many auxiliary items. All of them must be in a fisherman’s backpack, regardless of the chosen method of fishing, weather, and degree of illumination. The first aid kit is the main thing in the auxiliary items and devices checklist. A fisherman needs it not only at night but also during the day, morning, and evening. Its presence will make it possible to provide first aid to yourself in the event of minor injuries (for example, when cutting with various fishing gear). The mandatory elements of such a first aid kit are plasters, bandages, and multiple antiseptics. Also, the fisherman should always have painkillers and medications prescribed by doctors. Sometimes, even allergy medications can be helpful, so they need to find a place in the medicine cabinet.
The presence of many different medicines will not save the fisherman from insects, which live in enormous numbers near every body of water. Their activity is extreme after sunset, so lovers of night fishing need to find an effective way to combat them. Otherwise, after just a few minutes of fishing, you can get a lot of bites that will worsen your health or create severe discomfort. To protect yourself from pests, include aerosols and sprays designed to repel insects in your checklist. These products have a unique composition that will reliably protect fishermen from increased attention from tiny pests. An alternative may be using special protective devices with mosquito nets and similar products. They will also protect the fisherman from insects but create specific difficulties in monitoring the gear.
As a rule, night fishing begins long before dark. All its participants must carry out many preparatory actions, from choosing a place to cast a fishing rod to preparing gear. Due to prolonged exposure to the open air, there is a high probability of changes in weather conditions. In this regard, a fan of night fishing should always have a tent or other similar shelter with him. It will provide an opportunity to hide from precipitation and protect gear, night vision devices, auxiliary items, and devices from water. A tent used for fishing should be spacious enough to make it convenient for the fisherman to carry out various manipulations with gear and perform other necessary work. It should also have a well-protected place to store food and water, which must be included in the checklist. From the wide variety of food products for night fishing, you should take delicacies that will not spoil without a refrigerator and will not require lengthy preparation. Such food can be cookies, canned food, crackers, dried fruits, nuts, etc. It is recommended to use exclusively non-carbonated water and devoid of various aromatic additives. It will be helpful for quenching thirst, washing down pills, washing hands, and cooking caught fish over a fire.
Any event held at night is almost always more dangerous than its daytime counterpart. Fishing, which involves spending a long time near a poorly lit body of water, is an exception. Your checklist must include items and devices that increase personal safety to avoid troubles. First, they should be the previously mentioned night vision devices, which will make it possible to improve visibility and notice any danger in advance. In addition to different types of NVDs, you should take communication equipment with you. Ordinary smartphones or mobile phones are best suited for night fishing lovers. With their help, you can contact relatives and friends or call rescuers, doctors, and police for help. It is essential to monitor the charge level of the selected gadgets. If night fishing does not last too long, it will be enough to charge the batteries to the maximum before going to the reservoir. In cases where the event will take many hours, spare batteries will be needed. They can be additional batteries or accumulators that match the model of the existing gadget. Also, remember to use extra batteries for your night vision devices.
Even a well-trained person passionate about night fishing needs a little rest. In this regard, including such a valuable item as a chair in the checklist is essential. It can be solid, prefabricated, or folded. In any case, its presence will provide an opportunity to rest and spend time comfortably while waiting for the next bite. The chair will be precious during low-active night fishing when a minimum of action is required from the fisherman. If you plan to fish several nights in a row and stay near the pond all this time, then a sleeping bag or an air mattress in your tent will be helpful. They will allow you to rest properly after a sleepless night and gain strength for the subsequent attempts to get the desired trophy.
Anyone who likes to fish at night should add an ordinary flashlight to their checklist. It is necessary even in cases where high-quality night optics are used, providing good visibility in the dark. In this case, the flashlight will become an auxiliary device used while performing specific actions. In addition, it will make it possible to give a light signal in the dark and attract other people's attention (for example, rescuers who will come to the rescue in the event of a life-threatening situation). When fishing at night, it is best to use battery-powered LED flashlights. They save battery power and also make it possible to adjust the brightness of the generated light flux.
A knife should be included in the essential items valuable when fishing at night. This versatile product will perform dozens of tasks, from preparing gear to cutting up caught fish. For fishermen, the optimal knife will be one with the highest strength characteristics. It must be made of a material that, after sharpening, retains its cutting properties for a long time, regardless of the intensity of use of the knife. In addition, it is essential to pay attention to the presence of a thin tip, which helps work with some fishing gear. Because a fisherman’s hands can often be wet, the knife added to the checklist must be equipped with a non-slip handle.
In cases where fishing is carried out from a boat, it is essential to supplement the checklist with several important items. The main one is the life jacket. It should not only be taken with you on the boat but also put on immediately after entering places with great depths of water. This is recommended even in cases where the fisherman is a good swimmer. In addition to a life jacket, you may need an echo sounder when fishing from a boat at night. This device uses sound pulses, which make it possible to detect aquatic inhabitants, determine the depth of their location, and estimate their size. It will be helpful in places where event participants need information about the diversity of species and the location of representatives of aquatic fauna. Any product in the boat wouldn't hurt to protect the fisherman from sudden rain.
The night is the ideal time for fishing. After sunset, the fish behave differently than during the day, allowing fishermen to gain new skills in catching them and enjoy the process. For night fishing to succeed without problems, each participant must compile a checklist of mandatory and auxiliary items in advance. If you do everything correctly and collect the necessary equipment, no unpleasant surprises will spoil the event and will not prevent the fishermen from getting maximum pleasure.
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