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Our planet is home to more than 8 million officially recognized living species. All of them are unique and interesting to study. Despite such diversity, some people prefer to search not for living creatures but for mythical creatures known to us from legends and stories of our ancestors. This unusual hobby attracts the attention of many lovers of mysticism and adventure, allowing them to experience unforgettable emotions. If you consider yourself one of these people, sit back and read our guide carefully. In it, we will talk about how night optics will help you find various mythical creatures if they exist.
Before describing options for using night optics for such a hobby as searching for Yeti and other similar creatures, let's consider ways to use such devices in everyday life. Here, it is essential to grasp that night immediately; technology surrounds us almost everywhere. They often go unnoticed but bring enormous benefits. The effectiveness of most thermal imagers and classic night vision devices makes them popular in various fields. With their help, new opportunities are opening up for humanity, and not taking advantage of them would be a severe mistake.
Night vision and thermal imaging were initially created for the army's needs. In this regard, it is easy to guess where these technologies are widely used. Today, various night devices are mandatory for military personnel in most units. With their help, it is possible to level out the inability of people to see at night, thereby making soldiers more versatile combat units capable of coping with any task, even in complete darkness. Night optics are also indispensable in military equipment. Very often, it becomes an essential element of the control system, helping the crew of combat vehicles better navigate the terrain and avoid various obstacles and dangers. In addition, night vision allows you to improve the quality of aiming and shooting accuracy in low-light conditions. In addition to ground equipment (for example, tanks), devices that make it possible to see at night are used in aviation, on military ships for various purposes, and on submarines. Night optics provide good visibility even in extreme conditions, enabling military personnel to perform their duties efficiently.
Night vision devices and thermal imagers are popular not only among military personnel. They are also in demand among rescuers, whose work is difficult and dangerous. Thanks to the capabilities of modern optics, it is possible to quickly find people in smoky buildings and increase their chances of salvation. In addition, various devices are used to search for travelers lost in the forest or mountainous areas, injured extreme athletes, and climbers in trouble. At the same time, night optics increases the rescuers' safety. It makes it possible to see various dangers and obstacles along the way in the dark. These devices will be just as useful for security guards. Their capabilities will provide a good overview of the protected area, regardless of the existing lighting conditions. This will reduce the likelihood of unauthorized persons entering and virtually eliminate the loss of any property, goods, or valuable information.
The rapid development of night technologies has made them in demand in the automotive industry. Most modern vehicles have night vision devices built into the control system. They help drivers drive safely even when there is little or no lighting. The ability of night optics to form a high-quality image of the night road on display installed on the car's dashboard makes it possible to avoid accidents, collisions with animals and pedestrians, and accidental departures from the roadway. All this significantly reduces the number of fatalities and also allows drivers to feel more confident behind the wheel of their vehicle. Sometimes, night optics are not integrated into the control system but are used separately (for example, the driver puts on night vision goggles). This also improves road safety and reduces the likelihood of serious accidents.
Thermal imaging and night vision are actively used in aviation. Various onboard equipment is created based on these technologies to help control an airplane or helicopter. The help of such devices is significant during takeoff and landing. These stages of flight are the most dangerous and complex from the point of view of the pilot’s work. Thanks to the ability to see in the dark, it is possible to avoid various obstacles, correctly assess the distance to the runway, and choose the optimal moment for landing or taking off. All of the above increases flight safety in cases where flights are made at night. Night vision devices are equally in demand when controlling unmanned aerial vehicles. With the help of optics mounted on drones, it is possible to conduct surveillance, record video, and perform many other important work.
The importance of thermal imaging and night vision for scientists studying the flora and fauna of our planet cannot be underestimated. With the help of these technologies, it is possible to monitor nocturnal animals and the life cycle of plants that bloom exclusively in the dark. There are no alternatives to night optics in these cases, so it is rightfully considered the only practical assistant for scientists. In addition, with the help of these devices, zoologists and botanists quickly find species of interest in the dark and monitor them from a safe distance. In some cases (for example, when studying large predators), night optics help to avoid serious troubles and learn about a particular danger in advance. Wildlife enthusiasts use thermal imaging and night vision for approximately the same purposes. Thanks to the capabilities of various devices, they get the chance to enjoy the beauty of nocturnal animals and observe their way of life with their own eyes. Night optics are essential for birdwatching enthusiasts. It opens up many new opportunities for them and increases the chances of completing the search for the bird species of interest.
Night and thermal imaging optics benefit lovers of long hiking trips and recreation with wild nature. In both cases, such devices will eliminate the need to use various lighting devices and help ensure your safety. Most often, optics of this type are used to inspect the camp area and for safe movement along dark, unfamiliar paths. In the first case, thermal imaging and night vision will help you quickly notice the approach of a dangerous predator, and in the second, you will be able to see every hole, tree branch, and stone on the chosen path. Night technologies will be just as useful for lovers of other outdoor activities. Most often, they help with night hunting and fishing. Hunters use different devices to find animals in the dark and determine their species, size, and sex. If the night optics used is a sight, it also allows for high-quality aiming and increases the shots' accuracy. Modern technology is just as crucial for fishermen as it is for hunters. They help you find the perfect fishing spots and make keeping track of your gear easier.
People have learned to use thermal imaging technologies, even in medicine. In this area, they are used to create a variety of diagnostic equipment, with the help of which it is possible to identify some diseases in the early stages of their development. In addition, thermal imaging capabilities make it possible to measure body temperature using a non-contact method actively used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various thermal imaging equipment is also actively used in the related field of science – veterinary medicine. Here, it helps to assess the condition of large domestic animals and inhabitants of farms, zoos, and other similar places.
Thermal imaging and night vision play an essential role in all industries. With its help, performing various night work at the enterprise becomes possible, which cannot be postponed until daylight hours. The most active users of night and thermal imaging optics are metallurgists, mechanical engineers, power engineers, chemists, and oil and gas industry workers. In all cases, the devices used expand the capabilities of specialists and give them greater freedom of action. In addition, night technologies are in demand among builders. Thanks to their abilities, it is possible to carry out work on-site around the clock and increase the safety of employees working on the night shift. Thermal imagers and night vision devices bring no less benefit to representatives of the agriculture, woodworking, and mining industries.
With the help of night vision and thermal imaging, it is possible to conduct various entertainment events. The most popular of them are paintball and airsoft games. In some cases, different night devices are used in sports competitions. Everywhere, they provide participants and judges with good visibility in the dark, making it possible to carry out the prescribed actions and monitor compliance with the established rules.
Cryptozoology is a subculture whose supporters study and search for living creatures unknown to science and various mythical characters. This trend arose relatively recently but has already managed to attract the attention of thousands of people. Even though all scientists call cryptozoology a pseudoscience, and the objects of its research are fictional characters of urban legends and myths, its supporters continue to believe in the Yeti, the Loch Ness monster, the Chupacabra, vampires, and other similar creatures. Moreover, they organize entire expeditions to places where, according to eyewitnesses, they saw the mythical creature of interest or its traces, heard strange sounds, and observed initially inexplicable phenomena. All this is more like not a scientific activity but a simple hobby, the real purpose of which is communication and being in the company of like-minded people. Despite the above, we must respect each person's choice and allow him to realize himself even in such a dubious field as cryptozoology.
Cryptozoologists will need thermal imaging and night optics to implement various ideas. It will make it possible to perform a lot of different work in the dark and increase the safety of all participants in ongoing expeditions. To search for Yeti and other mythical creatures, cryptozoologists will find the following devices helpful:
Modern realities are such that no real cryptozoologist can do without a night vision device. This easy-to-use but handy device will make it possible to conduct round-the-clock searches for mythical creatures or traces left by them. It will provide the user with good visibility in the dark and increase his safety. Different types of night optics can be used in all areas of the hobby of cryptozoologists. In each expedition, the most valuable models will be those with certain characteristics and specific functions. Therefore, if you choose the proper night optics, then living creatures unknown to science, if they still exist on our planet, will not be able to hide from the eyes of a cryptozoologist.
One of the most famous mythical creatures that attracts cryptozoologists worldwide is the Yeti. It supposedly lives in high mountain areas and prefers places near forested areas. According to descriptions and eyewitness accounts, this Bigfoot looks like a cross between a giant ape and a human. He walks on two legs, has a body covered with thick hair, and avoids meeting people in every possible way. There are legends about this creature in the mythology of various peoples. Each one has its own name and characteristic external features. Despite numerous eyewitness accounts, giant footprints found in the snow, and scraps of fur of unknown origin, the existence of the Yeti has yet to be scientifically proven. Nevertheless, cryptozoology lovers maintain hope and continue searching for the mythical creature contrary to common sense.
The first mention of the Yeti appeared in the 19th century. At that time, he was allegedly spotted many times in the Himalayan mountain system and the surrounding area. Records of strange upright creatures with a hairy bodies can be found in the reports of many British people who worked in Asia and lived in the mountainous regions of Nepal, India, and Tibet. Such information appeared mainly after communicating with representatives of local peoples who feared the Yeti and considered it excessively dangerous. In some cases, Asians elevated the Yeti to the level of a deity, who was treated as such.
The peak of Yeti's popularity occurred in the mid-20th century. During this period, around the world, eyewitnesses allegedly noticed a strange creature and found traces of its presence in one area or another. So, in 1937, F. Smythe photographed a chain of giant footprints, which he could not identify independently. This photo catalyzed the activity of cryptozoologists who truly believed in the existence of the Yeti. Later, scientists suggested that these tracks could belong to a giant bear. However, this information only increased the popularity of the humanoid creature, which is why cryptozoologists worldwide began to strive to refute the opinion of scientists. In 1951, British explorer E. Shipton took a famous photo of the footprint of an unknown creature. He found it on a previously unexplored slope of Everest, on which he was climbing. This trail attracted people’s attention even more, and even many skeptics believed in the existence of the Yeti. Then, the media picked up the information, and the humanoid creature became known worldwide. However, not a single fact of its existence was provided to the public.
A Daily Mail article about the Yeti, published in 1954, attracted the British and Americans interested in this creature. The latter began an active search in the mountains of Colorado. In parallel with this, eyewitness accounts began to appear who allegedly saw the figure of a Yeti moving quickly across the mountain ranges. All this only increased the number of cryptozoology supporters ready to sacrifice everything to see the mythical creature with their own eyes. Some of them even built houses in the mountains of Colorado so that they could search for Yetis 365 days a year. During the 1960s-1980s, a lot of information was collected, but none of the facts became proof of the mythical creature's existence. On the contrary, more and more refutations appear yearly, forcing many to give up their hobby. With the advent of the ability to conduct DNA tests on collected fur samples allegedly belonging to the Yeti, there is even less reason to believe in the existence of Bigfoot.
These days, the mythical creature is mentioned quite rarely. However, information about the traces found and other potential evidence of the existence of the Yeti periodically appears in many status publications. Among the most recent eyewitness accounts, it is worth highlighting the story of a married couple who noticed a Yeti-like creature walking on the mountainside while traveling through the Colorado mountains. They even shot a video, but its insufficiently high quality and the significant remoteness of the mysterious creature do not make it possible to draw any conclusions. Despite this, cryptozoology lovers do not doubt that the video captured was the real Yeti they had been looking for so long.
People who believe in Yeti strive to prove the fact of its existence by any means possible. High-quality night optics can help them in this matter. The models released today will help you see the figure of the mysterious creature and its features even in meager light. Some modern devices are equipped with a video recording function, which will help you capture videos of higher quality than those that exist today. Different types of night optics will also be helpful for cryptozoologists who travel a lot through rugged and unfamiliar terrain in search of the Yeti. With the help of such devices, it will be possible to safely move in the dark, even through the most dangerous areas with cliffs, ravines, and other natural obstacles. In addition, they will make it possible to quickly inspect large open spaces, thereby speeding up the search process and increasing its efficiency.
Cryptozoologists believe the Yeti is a living creature, meaning it must exude heat. In this regard, night optics that support thermal imaging technology will be essential. It will make it possible to detect thermal waves, by which it will be easy to determine the location of all warm-blooded creatures within the coverage area of the optics. Therefore, if the Yeti is not only a character from the legends and myths of different nations, then finding it with the help of thermal imaging equipment will be much easier. When purchasing optics, paying particular attention to parameters such as range, viewing angle, and display resolution is essential. In addition, those who like to search for Yetis need the device's comprehensive functionality, allowing them to adapt the optics to constantly changing operating conditions.
The initially unremarkable Scottish lake Loch Ness attracts the attention of travelers and cryptozoology enthusiasts worldwide. The fact is that, according to local legends, a mysterious creature lives in it, which the British call Nessie. It is better known as the Loch Ness monster. This mythical character is described as a large animal similar to extinct dinosaurs. The main external characteristics of Nessie are the long neck and the presence of several humps on the back. These parts of the body supposedly appear above the surface of the water, while everything else remains hidden in the lake. Naturally, the existence of the Loch Ness monster has not been proven, but many cryptozoology lovers believe in Nessie and devote most of their free time to searching for it. Night optics will significantly help such people in their hobby, but we will discuss its importance later in this lesson. First, let's look at the story of the mythical resident of Loch Ness.
The first information about a mysterious monster living in the freshwater of a Scottish lake appeared more than 1,300 years ago. Then, the abbot of the local monastery recorded how a confident holy man, with the help of prayer, was able to expel a terrible monster that periodically appeared from the water. What precisely this monster was remains a mystery, which we are unlikely to be able to solve. After this, the terror of Loch Ness was forgotten for a long time. Only occasionally did mentions of him appear in the records of various public figures of that time. In 1658, the famous traveler R. Frank, in his memoirs, described a small island that appeared and disappeared from the lake's surface. He called it a “floating island” and did not mention Nessie, but lovers of cryptozoology made this event the starting point in the history of the existence of the Loch Ness monster.
The first person who allegedly saw a mysterious creature emerging from the lake was D. Hossack. He claimed to have observed the monster in 1862-1865. Almost two decades later, D. Mackenzie described a strange object on the surface of the lake, which in appearance reminded him of an overturned boat. Around the same time, A. A. MacDonald spoke about his encounters with a mysterious creature. He called it a giant "salamander" that periodically emerged from the water. On one occasion, she swam very close to the ship, so A. A. MacDonald was allegedly able to see her fur. In the 20th century, there were many similar stories, the authenticity of which is difficult to believe. In some, the Loch Ness monster lived in the nearby forest and entered the lake only to look for food; in others, it was constantly in the water and sometimes stuck its head out. There were also periodic stories of eyewitnesses who allegedly saw a giant monster with four legs that barked like a dog and swam quickly in the water. Despite the absurdity of all this evidence, many people became genuinely interested in the Loch Ness monster.
World fame came to the mythical creature in 1933 after a simple publication in a local newspaper. The article's author interviewed the owners of a hotel near Loch Ness, who claimed to have seen a whale-like creature in the water. This information was picked up by many famous world publications, after which Nessie began to be called a monster. This nickname appeared as a result of a survey of residents. Many of them claimed that they saw the ridge of a creature sticking out of the water, comparing it with a dragon and other similar mythical characters. According to publications of that time, the Loch Ness monster was a large living creature about 10 m long. Some eyewitnesses claimed that it had four fins, a long hairy neck, humps on its back, and a fish-like tail.
Enormous media attention attracted many influential people of the time to the topic of the Loch Ness Monster. Soon, the first photograph of Nessie appeared. Its author was H. Gray, who captured a specific creature on a rock near the lake. It was published in the Daily Mail and caused a lot of controversy. Supporters of cryptozoology claimed that they had finally seen an inhabitant of the lake, and scientists assumed that the photo captured an ordinary log that had been thrown onto the rocks by the waves. There were many other versions. However, they are all so absurd that it makes no sense to describe them. At the end of 1933, a video of the monster from Loch Ness also appeared. The Times newspaper published a description of the 2-minute film. The authors pointed out that not only the creature’s head is visible in the video, but also its humps. For the next two decades, the mystery of Lake Lo Ness was central to all lovers of cryptozoology. During this time, many other materials appeared, the reliability of which is questioned. In 1954, the BBC became interested in the monster from Loch Ness. They organized a full-fledged expedition to the reservoir. Its participants collected all the information from eyewitnesses and residents who had heard stories about the monster. Underwater research was also carried out using the technology available at that time. Their results refuted most of the assumptions of cryptozoologists and forced many to reconsider their attitude toward Nessie. Similar studies continued until the end of the century, but their results did not please lovers of mythical creatures.
In 2003, the BBC organized another expedition. It used several hundred powerful sound emitters, with the help of which Loch Ness was explored entirely. Having found nothing interesting, the expedition members once again proved the fallacy of the claims about the monster's existence. However, this did not stop cryptozoologists, and within a few years, new evidence began to appear about supposedly mysterious objects above the surface of the water. The last study of the lake to date was carried out in 2016. His results were similar to those obtained after the work was done 13 years ago.
Now, about night optics. If you still believe in the Loch Ness monster, you can only do it with various devices that help you see at night. They will become necessary equipment in any expedition of cryptozoologists and make it possible to see the events around them, even in a meager light. During a trip to Loch Ness, night optics will help you monitor the reservoir around the clock. It can work offline for a long time so that you won't miss anything. Also, most modern models are well protected from any external influences. This makes them fearless of sudden temperature changes, heavy rain, and various weather anomalies.
Thermal optics can also be helpful when traveling to Loch Ness. It will provide all expedition participants with a high-quality thermal image, making it possible to distinguish all living objects. Most likely, one of them will not be the Loch Ness monster, but if it does happen, the chances of obtaining evidence of its existence will increase. There is no need to be upset if no traces of a mythical creature are on the lake. Modern thermal imaging optics are incredibly versatile, perfect for many other tasks that must be performed during a trip to the famous Scottish lake.
One of the most mysterious mythical creatures can rightfully be called the Chupacabra. Her image is central in the folklore of many countries in North and South America. According to various legends, this creature is rarely shown to people, as it prefers a secretive lifestyle. It has a bad reputation for hunting at night attacking goats and livestock. Chupacabra does not eat them but only drinks the blood, leaving characteristic teeth marks on the flesh. The appearance of this creature remains a mystery even to cryptozoologists. According to information from people who allegedly saw the Chupacabra, it appeared before them as a modified forest predator, more extensive and with unnaturally large fangs. There are many alternative versions. In one of them, the Chupacabra appears as a small alien creature with thick hair, sharp teeth, and powerful claws; in another, it has an external resemblance to a kangaroo, with more enormous front paws and huge fangs, and in the third, it is a mutated reptile with the same huge teeth. Cryptozoologists consider all versions, so they often search for the Chupacabra, regardless of which theory they believe in most.
The first mentions of these mystical creatures appeared in the 50s of the last century. In one of the small settlements in Puerto Rico, an unknown predator began to attack domestic animals. According to the stories of residents, he left deep scratches and fang marks on the victims’ bodies. This happened at night so that no one could see him. Because goats were the primary attack target, the creature was nicknamed Chupacabra. Translated from Spanish, it means “sucking the blood of goats.” This mythical predator appeared suddenly and disappeared just as suddenly. A long time might have passed since his last appearance, but he always returned to his favorite hunting spot. Later, similar cases of killing livestock were observed in Puerto Rico. Opponents of cryptozoology associated such events with the activities of some satanic community, which used the blood of animals to carry out various rites and rituals. Nevertheless, many continued to believe that the Chupacabra came to us from a parallel world.
The first documented fact was the attack of the Chupacabra on one of the farms in Puerto Rico in 1995. There, she drank the blood of 8 sheep, each of which had three fang marks on its chest. Naturally, no one officially attributed these victims to the Chupacabra, but among residents, the legend about it became the most discussed. Around the same time, the first eyewitness who allegedly saw the mysterious creature appeared. He could not fully describe its appearance but talked about the beast's large fangs and long fur. Similar evidence appeared in Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, the USA, and other world countries a few years later. This circumstance interested not only cryptozoologists but also famous scientists. For example, D. Morales, who at that time represented the Ministry of Agriculture of Puerto Rico, carefully examined more than three hundred victims that were attributed to the Chupacabra. He found no traces of bleeding in all of them, which cast doubt on all existing eyewitness accounts. He suggested that the animals were killed by some local predator (such as a wild dog or coyote) but could not prove this.
In the 21st century, most Chupacabra attacks have occurred in the United States. To study the circumstances of all animal killings and refute the existence of this mythical creature, a team of biologists was organized in 2010, led by B. O’Connor from the University of Michigan. He and his assistants studied in detail all the cases that occurred in America, compared the testimony of eyewitnesses, and made several important conclusions. The main one was that almost all cases where people saw strange creatures near their farms were actual. Only witnesses observed not the mythical Chupacabra but coyotes infected with parasites. Sick animals' hair quickly fell out, so it stuck out in clumps, giving them an ominous appearance.
For the same reason, coyotes developed a thicker skin and an increased unpleasant odor. Due to the activity of parasites, the animals' health deteriorated significantly, causing them to become weaker and unable to attack their usual prey. To avoid starvation, coyotes were forced to kill weaker opponents, such as goats driven into a barn. B. O'Connor's theory scientifically substantiated all human evidence, but lovers of cryptozoology did not stop believing in the Chupacabra. They looked for her everywhere, even in places where there had not previously been a single typical case of attack on domestic animals. Sometimes, they managed to find traces of unusual creatures, but they did not provide evidence of the existence of the Chupacabra.
If, despite all the denials, you continue to believe in the existence of the Chupacabra and want to try to find it, then you will need night vision devices. With their help, it will be possible to improve visibility in the dark and increase the chances of detecting various living creatures. According to eyewitnesses, the Chupacabra is exclusively nocturnal. In this regard, thermal imagers and night vision devices are mandatory. They will not allow this creature to hide from your eyes if it suddenly exists in reality. Modern models of night optics will also help in performing other essential tasks. So, with their help, it will be much easier for cryptozoologists to navigate the terrain, choose the proper movement routes, and avoid many natural obstacles. Thermal imagers will also become indispensable for cryptozoology enthusiasts. They will allow you to scan the surrounding area and find signs of the presence of various living creatures, which can be no less dangerous than the imaginary Chupacabra.
There are many military bases and test sites throughout the United States, but the most famous of these sites is Area 51. It is located a little over 100 km from Las Vegas on the southern shore of Groom Lake. This facility is one of the most secret, so ordinary Americans and curious foreigners can only guess what is happening on the other side of the fence. Increased secrecy gives rise to many theories and myths. Among the latter, the most popular are stories about UFOs, aliens from outer space, and superhumans allegedly created in the underground laboratories of Area 51. All of the above attracts the attention of cryptozoologists, who periodically visit the closed area and explore its surroundings. Most often, supporters of this subculture look for traces of flying saucers, alien creatures, and mutants who escaped from secret laboratories. Naturally, all this is just the fantasy of certain people, but even the presence of clear evidence does not stop lovers of cryptozoology.
Area 51 became a secret facility in 1955. From then on, rumors began circulating about various revolutionary discoveries being made outside the base's fence and in its underground laboratories. The latter is just speculation by most people since there is not a single official confirmation of the presence of anything under the surface of the earth. The only information about this classified facility available to ordinary people indicates that Area 51 is an experimental testing ground where various aircraft and the latest weapons are tested. A fence surrounds the entire territory of this facility, the perimeter of which is under 24-hour security.
Area 51 became the center of everyone's attention after a deep crater called Sedan appeared not far from it. This happened in 1962 as a result of a nuclear explosion, experiments which were carried out quite often at that time. Cryptozoologists did not believe this information and devised their version of the crater formation. According to it, a hole about 100 meters deep and almost 400 meters wide was formed due to the fall of a UFO. Many witnesses immediately appeared who allegedly saw flying objects in the sky, one falling to the ground. A little later, some people saw aliens walking freely near Area 51. All this increased the interest of cryptozoologists, who began masse to search for various creatures. In the 70s of the 20th century, rumors appeared that experiments were being carried out on aliens and people in underground laboratories. This fascinated amateur cryptozoologists even more, who began to look for mutants who had escaped from Area 51.
A new wave of popularity hit Area 51 in 1989. At this time, an interview with a confident R. Lazar, who allegedly previously worked on the territory of a secret facility, appeared on local television. He talked about the development of extraterrestrial technologies, restoring a crashed alien ship, experimenting on aliens, and much more. Despite the absurdity of most of his statements, people believed in this information. The result was the emergence of many rumors that turned Area 51 into a mystical object and the surrounding area into an ideal place for lovers of cryptozoology. Many people explored the forests and plains adjacent to the secret facility. Thanks to this, more and more eyewitness accounts that allegedly saw flying saucers, aliens, and various creatures unknown to science appeared yearly. Such attention from ordinary Americans did not go unnoticed by the CIA. Its representatives clarified many points and pointed out that all unidentified flying objects people see are military developments. This answer did not satisfy lovers of alien creatures and representatives of the other world, so they continued the search for living creatures unknown to science.
In 2019, many people gathered near Area 51 and responded to the call of a confident M. Roberts to storm the secret facility. The purpose of this event was to reveal the secrets of Area 51 and see aliens. His initiative was supported by many cryptozoology lovers who dreamed of finding many mysterious creatures on the territory of the facility. Some openly declared their desire to break the law and see the aliens with their own eyes. All attempts to enter Area 51 were stopped, and the violators were brought to justice.
Cryptozoologists are actively exploring the surrounding area because it is impossible to enter the territory of Area 51 legally. You must take a night scope if you are one of these people. These compact and multifunctional devices will make it possible to see in the dark, thereby increasing the chances of detecting any mysterious creatures if they exist near a secret object. In addition, night vision and thermal imaging models will help cryptozoologists navigate the area and timely notice warning signs along the entire perimeter of Area 51. This will prevent accidental entry into the forbidden territory with all the unpleasant consequences that follow. Various night devices will also come in handy when traveling along unknown paths.
One of the most mysterious mythical creatures is the ghost. It is believed that it comes to us from the other world and pursues specific goals. Most often, ghosts are the spirits of dead people who experienced terrible torment before death. These mythical creatures appear before living people in various forms and, in most cases, are harbingers of some bad events. There are a vast number of theories regarding ghosts. They are all unique and exciting in their way. Their supporters consider ghosts to be mystical but existing creatures. However, scientific evidence of the presence of guests from the other world on our planet has yet to be presented. There are only individual works that allegedly confirm the existence of ghosts.
Throughout history, humanity has believed in ghosts. Each nation gave them their meaning, which determined the influence of these creatures on people’s lives. Most often, they were afraid of ghosts and tried in every possible way to avoid meeting them. This was because, in most legends and myths of antiquity, such creatures came to us from the afterlife. Nowadays, many people believe in ghosts and everything connected with them. Some are afraid of and avoid them in every possible way, while others try to find and prove the existence of these mythical creatures. Representatives of the second category organize unique expeditions to hunt ghosts, study various paranormal phenomena, and enjoy visiting the most terrible and dangerous places on our planet.
Edinburgh Castle is one of the most famous places where eyewitnesses allegedly regularly see ghosts. This historically significant landmark of the Scottish capital was built in the 12th century on the site of an active volcano. Over the years, the castle served many roles. It was the residence of local monarchs, a military garrison, a treasury, and a prison. Many strange events took place within its walls, which even today make many lovers of mystical creatures feel scared. Edinburgh Castle is home to several dozen ghosts. The piper and drummer are the ones most often shown to people. They are supposedly noticed and heard by many who dare to cross the castle's threshold. The tragically deceased bagpiper periodically plays his musical instrument while in closed underground tunnels, and the drummer comes out to people without his head. Also in the castle lives the ghost of Lady Glamis, who was caught in witchcraft and burned many years ago. It is not known whether all these stories are fiction, but their existence scares many.
Another famous location where travelers and cryptozoologists allegedly see ghosts is the Aokigahara Forest. It is located on the famous Japanese island of Honshu and is considered one of the most popular places to commit suicide. According to local legends, the souls of the dead cannot find peace and always wander through the forest searching for new victims. Another feature of this place is that many navigational instruments must be fixed here. Previously, this was attributed to the activity of ghosts, but the scientific basis for this phenomenon is the presence of large deposits of iron ore in the forest. Due to Aokigahara's popularity, countless stories of unexplained sightings and ghostly encounters exist. Some may seem true to some, but anything mystical is unlikely to happen there. Still, paranormal enthusiasts fill the forests of Aokigahara every year, eager to discover ghosts or traces of ghost activity.
One of the most famous haunted places in the world is Bran Castle (Romania). Everyone knows this place as the residence of the legendary Count Dracula, the king of vampires. However, only some know Bran Castle belonged to the Romanian Queen Mary. It was passed down from generation to generation, so the owners of this building constantly changed. Many lovers of the other world deliberately overlook this fact to give Bran Castle even more mystery and attractiveness. According to local legends, not only Dracula lives here, but also the evil spirit Strigoi. These creatures appear like ordinary people, but they leave the human body when night falls and search for their victims. Stories like these and the many tales of Dracula make Bran Castle a staple on the world map for many ghost enthusiasts.
There is an unusual St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida. This initially unremarkable object was erected in the 19th century. In those days, it was used for its intended purpose and was no different from dozens of similar structures. However, one terrible day, a tragedy occurred here. The daughters of the lighthouse construction manager fell from a great height and fell into the sea. Their death marked the beginning of mysterious events that made the St. Augustine Lighthouse famous worldwide. Today, many of its visitors often hear children's laughter and periodically see ghosts. The last ones are dead girls who appear in different parts of the lighthouse and an unknown man in the guise of a sailor. The reliability of all the anomalies that occur is often questioned. Many attribute the appearance of ghosts to the museum staff, which is located inside the lighthouse. However, fans of ghost hunting take advantage of the opportunity to try their luck and try to meet representatives of the other world.
In the Australian city of Juni, there is the Monte Cristo estate. Its appearance does not attract attention, but it is one of the most visited sites on the continent. The reason for this popularity is the ghosts that live on the estate. According to legend, a wealthy family lived inside the building and had many servants. One day, their maid accidentally fell from the balcony, as a result of which she died after much suffering. Since then, her spirit has haunted the estate and frightened all visitors. People feel the presence of a ghost immediately after crossing the threshold of a building. Many people experience sudden anxiety and increased heart rate. They also often hear the footsteps of the ghost of a maid coming from the room with a balcony. Some eyewitnesses claim to see the woman's figure emerging from her hiding place.
The famous Alcatraz prison also has its ghosts. It is located on the same name island, not far from San Francisco. This facility was opened back in 1934 and was intended as a place to hold the world's most dangerous criminals. Its location on an island surrounded by the cold waters of San Francisco Bay eliminated the possibility of escape and gave Alcatraz a reputation as the most reliable prison. Here, prisoners were kept in the harshest conditions possible. They were prohibited from many everyday things, including communication with other criminals. Such famous personalities as Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly were kept within the walls of this prison. Alcatraz closed in 1963, after which it became a public museum. It was from this time that ghosts began to appear here. Many visitors to the prison could hear the distant clank of chains and the sounds of the banjo that Al Capone loved to play. Also, some eyewitnesses claim to have seen strange phenomena and shadows of ghosts floating along the prison corridors on the territory of Alcatraz.
In the capital of Great Britain, the most popular attraction is the Tower of London. This well-recognized building is a symbol of England and the main magnet for tourists worldwide. At the same time, not everyone knows that not only black crows live in the Tower of London, but also many ghosts. Each of them can be periodically observed in different parts of the building. The most famous ghost is the spirit of Anne Boleyn. She was the wife of Henry VIII but was convicted of infidelity and treason. For these crimes, the woman was beheaded. Immediately after this, witnesses began to appear who saw Anne Boleyn. She walked around the Tower without a head in search of her husband. She was later seen in the chapel at the ghostly procession and in other parts of the building. In addition to the ghost of Anne Boleyn, the spirits of little princes live in the Tower of London. Even as children, they were killed by their uncle, after which the ghosts of the kids settled forever in the so-called White Tower. Eyewitnesses claim that in addition to the spirits of people, they saw ghosts that looked like animals (horses, lions, bears, monkeys).
One of the creepiest ghost stories is the legend of the Italian island of Poveglia. It is located between Lido and Venice and covers only 0.075 square kilometers. However, according to the stories of residents, such a small piece of land is home to many ghosts. Previously, this island was used for cremating people infected with the plague and later became the site of the opening of a psychiatric hospital. Patients with the most severe mental illnesses were kept in the main building of this hospital. According to the stories of residents, various experiments were carried out on them, most of which were so terrible that the screams of the patients could be heard in Venice. This fact is an exaggeration, but many believe in it. The souls of tortured people, as well as the ghosts of doctors who committed suicide, do not leave the island. If anyone dares to visit it, he will have to get there on his own since none of the residents of Venice and the Lido will want to go near this terrible place. In addition, it is now closed to visitors, and entry to the island requires special permission from local authorities.
For ghost hunters, the central point on the map of Ireland is Leap Castle. This mysterious building has a centuries-old history during which ghosts have not left its territory. According to the stories of the Irish, there are so many of them in the castle that anyone who crosses the threshold can immediately see representatives of the other world. The most famous ghost is the Red Lady. She appears in her festive attire and consistently holds a massive dagger in one of her hands. Also famous inhabitants of Leap Castle are the spirits of two girls who died after falling from the roof, a woman in ancient attire, and an old man sitting near the fireplace. Suppose there are more terrible mythical creatures inside the building. Among them, the Elemental stands out. He represents the likeness of a man whose face has turned into decaying flesh. This spirit moves through the castle rooms and leaves a disgusting smell behind.
In addition to all these places, there are many others. In each of them, people periodically see ghosts, hear the sounds they make, and observe inexplicable phenomena. If you believe in all this, before you search for creatures from the other world, get yourself some night optics. It will be helpful at any object where ghosts may live. In the dark corridors of various castles, night devices will give good visibility and help you notice many more small details. The same will happen if night optics are used in open areas, caves, ancient buildings, ancient mines, and other similar places. Thermal imagers and night vision devices everywhere will provide a good overview and allow you to find ghosts if they are still present.
To date, few official sources would claim the existence of the Yeti, the Loch Ness monster, the Chupacabra, and other mythical creatures. Nevertheless, many lovers of cryptozoology do not lose hope and continue to believe in a miraculous meeting with one of these creatures. These people must have various night vision devices with them. They will help conduct searches even in the absence of lighting and perform many other related work. With such optics, no mythical creature can hide from human eyes unless it is just a fantasy of our ancestors.
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