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SHOT Show 2025 has come to a close! We're looking foward to an awesome year.
Reflecting on the remarkable year of 2024, our company achieved significant milestones with the successful launch of several innovative products that have set new standards in the optics industry. Here's a recap of our 2024 product releases:
Taipan V2 Thermal Monoculars
ObservIR 256 Thermal Binoculars
ReachIR Thermal Monoculars
Varmint V2 LRF Thermal Scopes
Spectrum LRF 4K Digital Day and Night Scope
Secutor LRF Thermal Scopes and Clip-Ons
We didn't skip a beat and releases some awesome new products at SHOT for 2025.
UNVGs - Ultralight Night Vision Goggles
Evolver 1280 Thermal Scope
Adder V2 Thermal Scopes
Released Full Line of ObservIR Binoculars
Announced the Rattler V3 50-640 Thermal Scope
Added the Rattler V2 320 Resolution Thermal Scope to the Rattler V2 Lineup
In just a few months, our newest optics have flooded the nation, whether it be the blue collar weekend hunter, a professional hunting guide, or the highly trained solider on the front lines, we're proud to see AGM expand the capabilites of hunters, gun owners, and military organizations alike.
Speaking of professionals, We are honored to have collaborated with esteemed brands who've played a huge role in the growth and that showcased our optics in their booths during SHOT Show 2025. Here are a few highlight of some AGM Global Vision Optics Spotted Throughout the show!
LWRC running a Varmint V2 50-640 on their newly released rifle.
Primary Arms LPVO FFP Opics Pair Perfectly with the Rattler-C V2 Thermal Clip-ons
Palmetto State Armory has some new bolt guns coming soon and chose to top it off with a Clarion 640
Stag Arms and Aero Precision topped of their hunting series rifles with our Brand New Adder V2 LRF Thermal Scopes
Our friends over at Sons of Liberty Gun Works are builing an outstanding line of hunting equipment with their sister company - The Wilderness Company. They chose to run with our popular Rattler V2 Thermal Scope paired with our WLAD light/laser unit.
And Finally, As you may have noticed, all of our thermal scopes and weapon mounted optics aren't complete without an included scope mount from American Defense Manufacturing. Their booth had a beautiful ADM 6MM ARC paired with a Clarion 640 Thermal Scope.
AGM Global Vision would like to extend their heartfelt grattitude towards the OEMs, Organizations, Customers, and Dealers, for supporting the AGM Brand and helping to drive the growth of the night optics industry. We look forward to working with our current and future partners in 2025 in working towards making night vision and thermal optics more accessible to everyone!
Modified: Feb 20, 2025 | 09:53 pm
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