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Jun 20, 2020 | 07:39 am 4909 0

Things You Need to Clean a Gun

Things You Need to Clean a Gun

No matter how dirty you get your gun there are a million ways to fix it. Today is a weapon cleaning day and we've got something very important to talk about: а gun cleaning or to be more exact gun cleaning tools. Let's go over general instruments and supplies you'll need to take care of your guns. If you want the right tools and the right stuff just keep reading.

But...before this let's refresh why do we need to clean our gun.

  • We want to keep the bore as consistent as possible.
  • Maintain a state of copper and powder fouling equilibrium, if possible.
  • Minimize bore erosion.
  • Avoid damage to our bore.

So, now in those things in mind let's get into some cleaning equipment.

Cleaning rod

Cleaning rods have been considered the industry standard. They have a tough nylon coating that absolutely won't scratch the delicate rifling of the finest match barrel and won't peel off as many other vinyl coatings do. The extra stiffness of cleaning rods really helps you clean your bore faster and better. If your rod has a rotating handle it will give you positive control. Some models also include an adaptor for standard 832 male thread brushes and accessories.

  • The 17 and 20 caliber rods are caliber specific.
  • The 22 rod fits 22 to 26 caliber bores.
  • The 30 caliber rod fits 27 calibers and larger.
  • The 38C-12 rod fits handgun bores of 27 calibers and larger.

Bore rods are sold in different lengths so when considering you'll need to take into account not only your barrel length but also your receiver length.

A Cleaning Brush

A lot of brushes do not remove carbon buildup well. This is the reason why people use a nylon brush instead of a brass brush. The nylon one is less abrasive and will do everything you need to do in a softer way. But when it comes to the finish the brass brush can easily and quickly help you to remove the carbon.

Before cleaning always make sure your firearm is unloaded. Attach an appropriate cleaning brush and insert memory flex cable, obstruction remover first. Then pull through from breech-to-muzzle.

A Jag or Loop

Jags and loops are just fancy words for the little attachment that goes on the end of a cleaning rod. All these parts basically go through the cleaning patch. First and foremost, you need to decide what tool to use: high-end premium loop or its wallet world basic cleaning kit for $15 .

A jag has a small point in the end. Stab the middle of a cleaning patch, and push it through the barrel. The point fixes the patch in place while you push it through.

As the name implies, the loop's hole is much like that on the thread end of a sewing needle. Pull the patch through the hole halfway, and it's secured for a pass through the bore.


Patches are designed to help you clean the barrel with 360-degree coverage. Each patch features three different slots giving you up to six uses per batch. The larger the pinch you take on the patch the larger you finished swab will be. To tie a notice patch insert the slotted tip into the slot on the patch.

Then take an upper pinch on the patch and feed it back through the slotted tip. Pull the patch up and around the slotted tip and you've got 360 degrees of the patch on barrel contact.

If you want to up your cleaning game add a few drops of CLP to the patch.

The Right Goo

There are four different types of fluids used to clean a gun. Each has its own mission.

- Solvent

Removes carbon, lead, and other fouling from the bore.

Hoopes #9 bore cleaner is the most commonly used solvent. People really like it and are using this as a bore cleaner along with a CLP. Really, it's one of the best sport cleaners on the market compared to the other ones.

For routine cleanings use a bore snake and running it through with a little bit of this bore cleaner. That's a quick clean.

If you want to do a full one clean use Break Free CLP. Break Free has been one of the most popular choices among shooting enthusiasts over the years. It is also sold in spray vials with a push-button spray. The difference between these two is that the aerosols use the tiny little straw that you see so you can get it into all those tough to reach spots.

- Degreaser

A degreaser removes existing dirt and oil from the moving parts of thegun, creating a fresh, clean surface. We would highly recommend using, brands such as Gunslick Pro Gun-Flush.

- Lubricant

Lubricates provide protection against rust and you may be surprised lubricates. A lubricant such as Gunslick Pro Gun-Foam lubricates parts and provides protection against rust. There are a lot of gun lubricants you can purchase these days.

- Protectant

If your gun will be exposed to harsh or ultra-wet situations, consider using a water-displacing protectant like Gun-Dri. Such products repel water, blocking the start of rust and corrosion.

A Gun Toothbrush

Of course, you can use an old toothbrush from your bathroom, but there is no need in doing it because of the million variants that were designed especially for guns. For example, Hoppe's Utility Brush, that can help to reach all the nooks and crannies. It's perfect for cleaning out slide grooves and trigger parts. You can get these made of nylon for general use, or brass for tough, carbon-caked fields.

Bore Guide

A bore guide like Hoppe's Universal Model or Tipton's Universal does some essential things. It keeps the cleaning rod centered in a rifle's bore to help prevent damage to the rifling and prevents bore cleaning solvents from dripping into the receiver of your rifle.

Just get it in, snug and tighten down.

Cleaning Cradle

Cleaning the target gun or fine stocked hunting rifle while trying not to scratch or ding the finish can be difficult. The cleaning cradle will securely hold and position your hunting rifle in the desired position to allow for easy cleaning and basic maintenance. Cradle incorporates sturdy legs standard 14-inch tie bars and saddles to securely hold your rifle. This tool can be purchased to accommodate sporter, varmint, long-range, and AR-style rifles with various four ends and rear grip sizes.

We recommend choosing the Sinclair Cleaning Cradle that was designed to position your rifle with a slight downward slope to aid in the cleaning process so that cleaning solvents work their way towards the muzzle.

Protecting your rifle during cleaning is important and easily accomplished when using the cleaning cradle.

In changing times, one thing will always stay constant: the need to clean your gun after shooting. Thanks to the info we provided on tools and instruments to use not to damage your rifle or firearm. So, we hope this article was informative and useful to prolong the life of your gun!

You can find more information here:
Top 5 AR-15 Accessories
A Quick Guide on How to Select a Weapon Light
How To Clean an AR-15
In our store

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