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Author: Michael Hansen

Awsome performance

  • Review Add on: 07/04/2021
  • Average Rating:

I am highly impressed with this device. Can detect humans from other heat sources out to about 400 meters using a combination of shape and movement pattern. At 200 meters, body shape is visible, confirming sighting. The high definition display works like a traditional night vision device as well, showing most vegetation, building structure etc. Device is NOT affected by high contrast lighting - situations where a light amplification device may be blinded by car headlights, strong urban lighting.

25mm device appear to be ideal compromise between having a decent wide field of view - and being able to classify heat sources at a distance.

Color pallettes are useful. Normally 'Black Hot' is best for things living, but found it useless for fire detection. Fires would be large, black patches looking like shadows. The otherwise rather ugly 'Fusion' pallette is useful here, showing a bright yellow for fires, giving more temperature difference awareness than the black/white pallettes.

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Author: Torben Jensen

Perfect in good weather condition and very poor in fog and rain

  • Review Add on: 07/02/2021
  • Average Rating:

I have had the TM25-384 for a year now and have mixed feelings - in perfect weather condition it is brilliant - clear and sharp but it is extremely sensitive to fog and rain. I know thermal equipment is struggling in bad weather, but I have tried similar priced unit perform better in bad weather conditions. My next unit will not be a AGM.

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