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Author: Keith McGowan

Good budget unit, great customer service!

  • Review Add on: 08/10/2022
  • Average Rating:

I was given a TM-160 in February this year for my birthday. For a $350 thermal camera? You're getting a good deal. I can easily detect other people out to 100-150yds in cold weather and 75-100 in warmer weather. The resolution isn't fantastic but is still very usable at short range. Of course, some sacrifices have to be made for a budget thermal unit so I can give that a pass. The tripod mount somehow broke one night and much to my surprise, it totaled the scope. I sent in an RMA about one month ago, and the engineers and returns team were able to replace the whole unit at no cost to me. I don't usually write reviews, but the customer service when my device did fail was phenomenal and I felt the need to leave a review. If you keep the limitations of the lower resolution and shorter range in mind and have realistic expectations for a $350 camera? I think anyone who's interested in getting into thermal imaging but doesn't want to drop $750-$1000+ will be quite pleased with the results.

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Author: Mike Parie

Wicked Cool Thermal

  • Review Add on: 28/09/2022
  • Average Rating:

I tried gen 1 NVG, Ive tried digital night vision as well
each has its own issues
this is by far the best available option
no more IR emitters to worry about or drag alone

sadly the 160x120 is a low resolution for maybe 100yards max
better at under 50 yards

I wish there was a green mode to simulate NVG
I find that when I remove my eye from the monocular I lose all natural night vision ability since my eye was over powered by the screen

my fears are replacing the battery when it finally goes, how long will agm provide support is the real question to how well of a value this thermal is

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