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Author: Rickie Pellegrin


  • Review Add on: 22/12/2020
  • Average Rating:

I have a company called Southern Shooting Center. In the past few months I have shot 7 thermal weapon sights from AGM. On one unit I overlooked a crucial step and was confused. I called Alec at AGM and in less than a minute he told me what I skipped. I went back to the bench and quickly had that solved. I am totally impressed with both Alec and Todd about how quickly they can be reached and solve your problem or give you information That you need. The next thing I decided was that I liked the TM35x640 specifications,so I ordered one. Again I was totally impressed,because I had one from a different company that I wasn’t happy with. I have been in business for 46 yrs,and owned my own range for 22yrs. I never had the notion to do reviews before,but I have never had the service from a big company before. Thanks go out to Alec and Todd.

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