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May 09, 2023 | 02:04 pm 1582 0

Night vision in watching the underwater world. Does it work, and is it helpful?

Night vision in watching the underwater world. Does it work, and is it helpful?

The underwater world is lovely, so many people want to enjoy its beautiful view. Swimming at shallow depths, you will have enough natural light to examine in detail each aquatic inhabitant. However, if you dive deeper or even under the water at night, you can only see a small part. Various lighting devices and NVDs can correct the situation. The first ones often frighten representatives of the local fauna with their bright light, so with their help, you can only admire water landscapes. However, different types of NVDs do not have this disadvantage, which makes it possible to obtain a complete picture of the underwater world.

Does night vision work underwater?

Night vision can work in places where it can pick up light waves or infrared radiation. The water column can become such a place, but it depends on many factors. All of them affect the operation of any night optics, so in some cases, it will be helpful and practical, and in others, it will be useless.

Factors affecting the efficiency of NVDs underwater:

  1. The density of water. Water is an excellent absorber of heat and light, so using NVD initially seems the wrong decision. However, everything is more complex here. A lot depends on the density of the water. It will be minimal in clean lakes and rivers, which is why night vision technologies will be effective. At the same time, in salty seas and oceans, this indicator can approach the maximum values ​​(depending on salt concentration), making most NVDs useless.
  2. Observation distance. For NVDs to capture heat and light waves, you need to be at a short distance from the observed objects. If you are far from the observed thing, you cannot see anything with the help of NVDs. In this case, night optics will get the complete initial information, after processing which the user will see a good quality image.
  3. Undercurrents. Even in a lake fenced on all sides, water will move. Undercurrents created by various natural forces will negatively affect the operation of NVDs. Because of them, the image will be distorted and fuzzy. Therefore, such devices will be effective where undercurrents of minimal intensity are observed.
  4. Pressure. As the diving depth increases, the water pressure also increases. Sometimes it can grow to critical values, at which the NVDs will not withstand the load and stop working. However, if you descend to the depth allowed for the equipment (indicated in the instructions), such problems will not arise.

Considering all these factors, it can be concluded that various NVDs will be helpful underwater only if conditions are favorable. These are calm, fresh water with a high degree of transparency, the permissible (for the device) diving depth, and the possibility of observing underwater beauties from a short distance. In all other cases, the efficiency of night optics will decrease. You can continue to use it, but you should not count on the ideal picture quality.

NVDs for underwater use

Not all night optics are suitable for use underwater. Therefore, before diving, you must choose the right NVD. It must have a sealed case without any cracks and scratches and additional protection against water. In addition, his instructions must contain the maximum immersion depth, below which the device will stop working.

Of the many types of NVDs for scuba diving, you can choose only models that use thermal imaging and light amplification technology. Both options are popular with manufacturers of night optics, so finding suitable models will be fine. The most commonly used glasses and mini-cameras that support these technologies. The former is the best option, as they are mounted on the user's head and leave their hands free. At the same time, NV cameras can create images of slightly higher quality than glasses.

Features of NVDs suitable for scuba diving:

  1. Thermal imaging optics. These NVDs are distinguished by the presence of special sensors in the design. They capture the infrared radiation that comes from all heated bodies. The collected infrared rays are converted, and the final image is formed on their basis. Such optics are ideal for those cases when it is necessary to find various living creatures underwater. It can also be used to obtain information about underwater obstacles.
  2. Light amplifying optics. These NVDs are suitable for applications where shallow diving is required. They capture the minimal light that breaks through the water column, transforming it and amplifying it many times over. The result is a brighter and clearer image of the underwater area.

Applications for NVD underwater

Night vision is widely used underwater. With its help, they perform various work and have a good time alone in the dark underwater world. In all cases, the NVDs are indispensable devices that can only cope with some tasks.

Subsea use options for NVDs:

  1. Military operations. Actual combat operations are unpredictable, so sometimes, such confrontations happen underwater. In this case, the advantage will be given to the one with the best equipment and the ability to detect the enemy quickly. To increase the chances of success, you need to use NVDs. They will help find the enemy even in muddy and dark water at any time. In addition, military personnel participating in various operations may be faced with the need to carry out repair work on the underwater part of a warship. In this case, NVDs will also come to the rescue. They improve visibility and allow you to cope with your goals quickly. For military operations underwater, NV goggles are most often used. They leave hands free and make it possible to perform combat missions fully.
  2. Search operations. Various NVDs are also in demand among rescue divers. With their help, representatives of this profession increase the efficiency of search operations carried out at the site of a ship sinking, an aircraft crash (if it fell into the sea or ocean), or a vehicle falling into the water (for example, from a bridge). In addition, such devices are used to search for the corpses of missing people who could not be found on land. Any suitable model of NVDs may be used during search operations. Their choice depends on the reservoir's current conditions and the tasks' characteristics.
  3. Cleaning activities. Any artificial reservoirs are gradually clogged with various debris (vegetables or discarded by humans). Everything superfluous settles to the bottom, causing irreparable harm to water and the ecosystem that depends on it. To remedy the situation, the owners of the territory on which the reservoir is located are carrying out cleaning activities. To improve the efficiency of such work, various NVDs are used. With their help, it will be possible to quickly detect the most significant accumulations of garbage at the bottom and take measures to remove them from the reservoir. For such work, you can use NV cameras and glasses. The former will come in handy when searching for garbage and pulling it out onto land.
  4. Diving. During the course, participants use various equipment to help them feel more comfortable underwater. This entertainment is the most popular in places with more or less clean water bodies. Often, NV devices become part of it. They are used when diving to great depths where there is not enough sunlight and during scuba diving at night. With the help of such devices, the diver will be able to navigate in space, overcome various obstacles and avoid encounters with dangerous representatives of the aquatic fauna. In addition, divers often take NVDs with them to get high-quality photos and videos underwater.
  5. Spearfishing. Hunting is one of the favorite pastimes in most countries of the world. It is held in open areas, forests, savannahs, on water, and underwater. In the latter case, the hunter will need NV devices. They will help you safely maneuver between various underwater obstacles and find potential prey among the many local inhabitants. For hunting, it is advisable to use NV goggles. They can be firmly fixed on the head, leaving hands free for a harpoon or other underwater weapon. Also, these devices are recommended to underwater hunters who prefer to go for prey in the dark. At the same time, night cameras will be helpful only in the case of collective hunting (for example, one of the participants is looking for prey, and the other is shooting at it).
  6. Scientific activity. The underwater world is replete with various representatives of flora and fauna. Full-fledged teams of researchers are organized to study them, who dive underwater every day to observe objects of interest or collect natural material for further study. Very often, you have to dive deep where there is no sunlight. In this case, NVDs will help you see well in the dark. They will enable scientists to carry out the planned work and collect important information. Most often, such underwater missions use those devices that are available to the team of scientists. If there is a choice, then preference is given to NV cameras that form a better image.

Night vision will be indispensable while exploring the underwater world. With its help, you can see the maximum of what is happening in the water column and get great pleasure from the process. It should be remembered that not all NVDs can work effectively underwater. In this regard, you must carefully approach choosing and testing devices before diving. If everything is done correctly, then during scuba diving, you will only have to relax and enjoy what you see.

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