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Mar 30, 2021 | 12:09 pm 2501 0

Tips For Night Hunting Effectively

Tips For Night Hunting Effectively

Day hunting is quite different from night hunting. This is a simple truth, which is clear even to a beginner. At the same time, not every hunter is clearly aware of all the relevant details that must be taken into account when hunting at night. We have prepared for you a small list of tips, which should be followed during hunting at night so that the process was not only pleasant but also safe.

You should remember that night hunting not only adds adrenaline in the blood and a sense of advantage over nature but also can be difficult for an unprepared person, one-on-one with the elements. To avoid trouble you should follow our basic tips.

Using the Right Lighting

Animals see, hear, and smell differently than humans. In the dark, it's easy to get lost, lose your bearings, or, worst of all, shoot in the wrong place. A flashlight is not necessarily used to light the way, because a visible beam of light can scare the beast away.

But keep in mind that blinding an animal is not the best solution, sometimes even illegal. Aim the flashlight beam high over the eyes of the game.

As for the color of the flashlight. It's best to choose a softer red light rather than a cold, bright white light. It won't scare the animal and will help distinguish it in the dark.

Our advice: A hunter needs extra light by all means!

Consider Using Night Vision

It wouldn’t be strange to say that humans cannot see well at dusk or see anything at all in total darkness. In order to help people see in the dark, night vision devices were invented. They can be monoculars, binoculars, goggles, scopes, thermal imagers, vision tubes and this is not the whole list. Each of them has its own principle of operation, but in short, night vision devices enhance the image of very low brightness. They allow you to see the faint, reflected light of the moon, stars, or artificial sources. A thermal imager, on the other hand, is a device that visualizes heat. It allows you to see what the temperature of certain areas of an object is compared to adjacent areas that are warmer or cooler.

Each of the varieties of night vision devices has its own functions and capabilities. For example, a scope is handy for the most part if you're static and your target is sedentary. In case you're going to attack a predator and want to observe it on the long-distance, you should choose the scope with long-range (for example, AGM Secutor TS75-384), in order to avoid the game sniffing you nearby and running away.

For night vision devices, you need to have at least some light around. That is, on a completely moonless night you will need additional infrared illumination, or thermal imager as well.

Our advice: it is definitely worth buying a device for the night. But before buying, please carefully read the functionality of a particular device, so that you do not have to fill your closet with a huge amount of unnecessary equipment as a result.

Find a Suitable Location

It is necessary to find a place in the daytime. Do not go to an unidentified area at night at once - you may not only fail to find the game but also not return home alive and healthy. It is necessary to go around possible hunting places in the daytime and look at the relief, as well as possible places of exit of animals.

When you know - it's safe here, and this place is inhabited by animals - then it's possible to look for a spot for an ambush. It is best to choose a place on a small hill - so the game will not notify you immediately, and you will see it.

Use masking devices to blend in with the terrain. Camouflage, netting, or wood plate on the back - the main thing is to make you look as similar to the nature around you as possible.

Our advice: explore the area during the day, find a higher place, wear camouflage to match the pattern of the location.

Hunting Calls

Call the game with the right sound, and half the job is done. The hunter tries to lure the animal by imitating the game's calling sounds. Your target gets closer to the sound, appearing in the line of sight.  This is very effective if the sound is believable.

But if you sound like something else, you might scare off the target. So you have to practice imitation all the time. Every kind of game has a different sound. You have to be able to howl like a coyote or sound like a fox.

If you don't trust your voice and skill - you can use a digital call on which the sounds are recorded in advance. But many professionals think it's not as effective as learning to imitate the sounds of the game yourself.

Our advice: when going on a night hunt, learn how to make the call sounds of a specific target.

The Wait

Prepare for the fact that you may have to wait quite a long time for prey to appear. It often happens that a hunter can sit in hiding all night, but because of his careless behavior, no animal will ever come to his line of fire. Night hunting requires the hunter to be patient and not give up too easily. It can be pretty hard to wait but trust us, the game is worth the candle!

Our advice: be patient, the game has just begun.

You can find more about hunting with night vision devices here:
Tips on Daytime vs. Nighttime Coyote Hunting
Night hunting with a bow
Hunting with Night Vision. Is it Legal?
In our store

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