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Above, we have described in detail the mechanism and capabilities of night vision goggles. The essence of night vision remains the same, regardless of the shape and size of the device. The selection framework here can only be set in price, form, and specification.

The main thing is that you have to understand what kind of night vision device you need. Suppose we have already sorted out the devices working on the principle of amplifying the light signal. So, it is worth dwelling in more detail on devices that display the differences in thermal modes.

This is the second option not to become blind in the dark of the night. Such devices register the thermal radiation of objects and transmit the image in a contrasting image of thermal signatures. In general, they are less informative than night vision goggles, which enhance light, but they also have several advantages. For example, they are more informative under bad weather conditions. And the scope of their application in everyday life is much wider. But, it all dependn your goals.

So the night vision goggles is awith two tubes from the side of the observer. T them, you get maximum visibility and immersion bservation location. In this case, the tubes can record information autonomously, transmitting a unified image, and concentrate on one image receiving tube while relaying it to both eyes. The difference in design does not affect the quality of the final image.

What affects the image is the generation and degree of possible magnification of night vision goggles. There are four main generations of night vision today. At the same time, the I and IV generations are practically not represented on the market. The first generation is outdated and has no practical value. You can also purchase a primitive children's designer that will allow you to assemble such a device at home. But, more than an entertainment purpose, he will not have. The fourth generation is costly due to the complexity of creation and innovative technologies. The military is testing it, and shortly, it is unlikely to be available for free sale.

We have already talked about the difficulties you will face in the process of thoughtfully and judiciously choosing new night-vision goggles. So, if you decide to buy equipment on the secondary market, feel free to double the number of difficulties and pitfalls that will await you.

There is no problem finding used night vision equipment on the internet. But, we advise you to start your search not with the choice of device options but with the seller's choice. Since then, you have to ask questions, and there will be really a lot of these questions.

How many hours was the equipment used, and how many resources did it have? Are the lenses scratched or damaged? Are the circuits and mounting hardware in order? Is the device an original product, or is it a fake, and if it is a fake, in what nodes? Is there buyer protection, and how long can they provide? And this is just the first list of questions that you will start a conversation with.

You can brush our advice aside. And even say that you can not be reinsured because the Internet is full of ads for refurbished night vision goggles directly from the manufacturer. And it's true and looks like a fair deal. And that would be just wonderful if it were true. Unfortunately, websites that advertise the sale of such wonderful and cheap devices are, more often than not ordinary fraudulent resources. Low prices, an abundance of photographs, photo boxes, and documentation - all this attracts those who want to save a couple of hundred. But, in fact, all that you get will be big fat nothing. Manufacturers are not interested in restoring complex equipment that works as a single mechanism: too much cost and labor. Simultaneously, the profitability is too low, and the risk of repeated breakdown is increased. It's easier not to get involved in such a business. Although we will not argue - you may be lucky, but it looks like a lottery. In general, if you see very cheap refurbished night vision goggles with no money-back guarantee - better pass by.

Therefore, the best place to buy used equipment, and here we will not reveal any secret, is eBay. On this site, at least there is a chance that you will communicate with the real owner of the desired device, who decided to get rid of unnecessary things.

Potentially, such a dialogue will help you answer as many questions as possible. This, of course, does not replace the warranty of a trusted manufacturer, but it can give you an acceptable option and a couple of hundred saved money.

In general, it's safe to say that if you are thinking about what to choose, new or used night vision, the answer will be obvious. Buying used equipment, any sophisticated equipment, is a game of Russian roulette. You are more likely to be disappointed and lose your money. And expensive things should bring pleasure, not disappointment. Therefore, weigh everything before making a decision.

The main thing is that you have to understand what kind of night vision device you need. Suppose we have already sorted out the devices working on the principle of amplifying the light signal. So, it is worth dwelling in more detail on devices that display the differences in thermal modes.

This is the second option not to become blind in the dark of the night. Such devices register the thermal radiation of objects and transmit the image in a contrasting image of thermal signatures. In general, they are less informative than night vision goggles, which enhance light, but they also have several advantages. For example, they are more informative under bad weather conditions. And the scope of their application in everyday life is much wider. But, it all depends only on your goals.

So the night vision goggles is a device with two tubes from the side of the observer. Thanks to them, you get maximum visibility and immersion in the observation location. In this case, the tubes can record information autcentrate on one image receiving tube while relaying it to both eyes. The difference in design does not affect te final image.

What affects the image is the generation and degree of possible magnification of night vision goggles. There are four ations are practically not represented on the market. The first generation is outdated and has no practical value. You can also purchase a prihildren's designer that will allow you to assemble such a device at home. But, more than an entertainment purpose, he will not have. The fourth generation is costly due to the complexity of creation and innovative technologies. The military is testing it, and shortly, it is unlikely to be available for free sale.

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Signed from IP block